
Child and Adolescent

Children and adolescents sometimes face a complex and ever-changing world of pressures and social networking.

Transition Works Psychology has a team of experienced Psychologists who can help children and adolescents to reach their full potential through the use of evidence-based therapeutic techniques and tools. We believe in the importance of early intervention as an important step in assisting the prevention of additional future issues.

Our developmental and educational Psychologists specialise in connecting with your child and adolescent, assisting them in overcoming their challenges whilst helping them to better understand themselves and to navigate the world around them. Research indicates that early intervention with children and adolescents may result in improved functioning, and can assist in the prevention of anxiety, depression, and improved resilience to stress.


Our Psychologists provide support, assessment and intervention.

✓  Adjustment disorders
✓  Anger management
✓  Anxiety disorders
✓  Attachment disorders
✓  Attention Deficit Disorder
✓  Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
✓  Autistic Spectrum Disorders
✓  Enuresis (bed wetting), encopresis and toileting
✓  Behavioural difficulties and disorders
✓  Body image

✓  Bullying
✓  Depression
✓  Developmental disorders and disabilities
✓  Emotional regulation difficulties
✓  Family breakdown (separation/divorce)
✓  Giftedness
✓  Grief and loss
✓  Learning difficulties
✓  Parent support
✓  Psychoeducational assessment
✓  Phobias

✓  School readiness
✓  School refusal and avoidance
✓  Self-esteem and resilience building
✓  Self harm
✓  Sleep disorders
✓  Social and peer interaction difficulties
✓  Social skills building
✓  Strategies to support learning and achievement
✓  Stress and coping
✓  Trauma and abuse


What happens in the first session?
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The first session is an assessment session in which your Psychologist will obtain a good understanding of your current concerns and your child’s presenting difficulties. Feedback and recommendations are then discussed. Our Psychologists aim to work in an open and collaborative manner with yourself and your child, so it’s important you discuss any concerns you have with your Psychologist throughout the process.

What takes place in subsequent sessions?
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In subsequent sessions the parent is often included in the therapy session with young children until the child feels safe and comfortable enough to be in session alone with their Psychologist. The parent is often invited into the session at the beginning and / or end of the session to obtain feedback. Sessions are focused upon equipping your child and yourself with the techniques and strategies to address your child’s presenting issues in a systemic manner. 

Adolescent clients will often have subsequent sessions without their parent’s involvement. A discussion with your child’s Psychologist, your child and yourself will take place to discuss the nature of the relationship and the boundaries that need to be put in place to ensure a healthy and safe therapeutic relationship.

Do you offer Psychological Developmental Assessments?
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Transition Works Psychology offers a range of psychological developmental assessments to support understanding and diagnosis of cognitive, developmental, behavioural, learning and diagnostic concerns. Please feel free to contact us on 03 8529 2199 to discuss your child’s needs, and to determine next steps in the assessment process.

Each assessment is individually tailored according to client needs and goals and will be outlined and detailed in length during an initial intake session with the parents/ guardians.  

Typically, each assessment comprises a minimum of 4 client contact sessions:

•1 x initial parent intake session for detailed history taking. This session includes discussion of goals and the individualised assessment plan. 
•2 x client assessment (testing)sessions conducted over 2 separate mornings.
•1 x parent feedback session during which the results and detailed report are discussed, together with recommendations and further referral, where necessary.  

Each assessment includes a detailed report, which includes thorough analysis and discussion of results, diagnostic considerations, and detailed tailored recommendations and further interventions across varying contexts (such as school and home).  Liaison with school and other relevant health professionals is included, when necessary.  

In addition, screeners and checklists are often included to support further diagnostic discussion and consideration. 
Transition Works Psychology offers the following assessments:

•Cognitive assessments
•Educational (learning)assessments- Funding assessments for school support
•School readiness assessments
•Special consideration assessments(such as early entry assessments)
•Developmental assessments
•Diagnostic assessment to support the identification and understanding of diagnostic concerns (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders)

If your child has been referred for an assessment, or if you would like to discuss your child’s needs with us, please feel free to get in touch to discuss next steps or to make a booking. Our team is happy to answer your questions and to discuss the process with you in more detail. 

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